Marquette Township Board Will hear Suggestion That 2012 4% Savings Be Earmarked For Any Possible Cost Increases For 2013.

Marquette TownshipJune 21, 2012 –    Last month Lyn Durant forwarded a notice to association members about a joint meeting with the City of Marquette and the Marquette Township Board regarding water rates.
As you may remember, Baker-Tilly is the independent firm that did the water rate study (which is done every 3 years) as determined by the legal judgment a few years ago.

The board will meet on this issue later this year!

Water usage by the city and the township has decreased in the last 3 years, while infrastructure costs continue to rise. The recommendation by Baker-Tilly is to raise rates by 3% for the next 3 years.
In anticipation of a proposed 7% increase from the city, the township budgeted the 7% for this year. Therefore, there will not be an increase passed on to the water users at this time.
In the next few months when township budget meetings begin, as township trustee, I will recommend that the 4% savings this year be earmarked for any possible cost increases for next year.
 Sidebar: in very broad terms, the corridor businesses and some adjacent properties are serviced by the Cox water tank which is city water; some of the area south of US41 is served by the Northwoods tank which is the township well system. The rest of the township is serviced by their own wells, such as areas like Morgan Meadows and Co. Rd. 550.
Please feel free to contact Lyn if you have any questions or comments.
Lyn J. Durant, Innkeeper
Cedar Motor Inn, Inc.
2523 US Highway 41 W
Marquette, MI 49855-2258
(906) 228-2280 phone/fax
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